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Edition-115 aktuell: US-amerikanischer Independent-Regisseur und Filmproduzent Roger Corman ist gestorben


Roger Corman Filmography


This is a list of films directed or produced by Roger Corman. This is a partial list. Corman is famously prolific, in his American International Pictures years and afterward. The IMDB credits Corman with 55 directed films and some 385 produced films from 1954 through 2008, many as un-credited producer or executive producer (consistent with his role as head of his own New World Pictures from 1970 through 1983). Corman also has significant credits as writer and actor. New World Pictures (later called New World Entertainment and then New World Communications) was an independent motion picture and television production company, and later television station owner in the United States from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. News Corporation became a major investor in 1994 and purchased the company outright in 1997; the alliance with News Corporation helped to cement the Fox network as the fourth major U.S. television network.


Preis Deutschland € 29,00

ISBN 9786137813454

Betascript Publishing


Sprache Englisch, Print on Demand



Bild zur Meldung: Roger Corman Filmography


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