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Offer in August 2023


Werner Heisenberg - The Principles of the Quantum Theory - Die physikalischen Prinzipien der Quantentheorie


Werner Heisenberg


The Principles of the Quantum Theory


Werner Heisenberg made the breakthrough to the modern atomic theory of quantum mechanics; he discovered the so-called uncertainty principle, which led his teacher and friend Niels Bohr to the principle of complementarity, which enabled a consistent physical interpretation of quantum mechanics.


In 1929 Heisenberg went on a lecture tour to the United States. It led him to lectures on "The Physical Principles of Quantum Theory" at the University of Chicago.


These lectures are summarized in this volume. With the publication, the author wanted to contribute to spreading the Copenhagen spirit of quantum theory.


Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) was one of the most important theoretical physicists of the 20th century. His Heisenberg uncertainty principle played an important role in the development of mechanics and had a major impact on modern philosophy. In 1932 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics.


Price in antiquarian bookshop for Edition-115 € 400.00

Title: The Principles of the Quantum Theory

Transl.: Carl Eckart and C.Hoyt. English first edition

Publisher: University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.

Release Date: 1930

Cover: Linen

Condition: good

Dust Jacket Condition: OSU

Language: English


** Copyright Notes



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