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Offer in February 2024


Theodor Fontane - Mehr als Weisheit aller Weisen galt mir Reisen, Reisen, Reisen


Theodor Fontane


Mehr als Weisheit aller Weisen galt mir Reisen, Reisen, Reisen


Even those who are well versed in literature will be surprised at what they can find in this volume. It is an attempt to document Fontane's European horizon using striking examples. He wasn't just a passionate hiker through the Mark Brandenburg. The travel journalist and travel poet Fontane - what a wealth of life, what fascination. The Märker native and self-confessed Prussian, who pursued the pharmacist trade in Leipzig, Saxony, traveled through Europe. What surprises of excursions and observations. A "travelled" story at places of world literary dimension, at poets' and artists' residences, at places of death and accidents. Travel adventures and travel difficulties alternate with the most delicious genre pictures and bold judgments of art (Tintoretto's pictures seem like a "salad of angel's legs" to Fontane). A vade mecum for everyone who enjoys the finest features, esprit and self-irony and wants to explore the world in the footsteps of a great travel seducer. The illustrations take up a cultural technique that, developed in the 1840s, was initially reserved for photographic reproduction before being rediscovered more recently, primarily as an artistic collage technique.


Price of the limited special edition in the Antiquarian Edition-115 € 68.00

In a jewelry slipcase

ISBN 9783867301626

Faber & Faber


Fontane im Antiquariat der Edition-115


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Dorfstrasse 115
24242 Felde, Deutschland


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Mo. - Fr.      09.00 - 12.00

                     15.00 - 18.00
Sa.               09.00 - 13.00


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